October 16, 2019 – Anglerfish Bay Area Events List

Muni Diaries via @languidium on Instagram

This week’s Curator: Eugenia Chien, cofounder of the podcast, Muni Diaries, where bus riders share the funny, sweet, weird, or just plain WTF stories that happen on public transit.

If you spent your childhood with your nose in a book, if you still have overflowing bookshelves with loaner copies of your favorite books, or if you just can’t befriend anyone who doesn’t read fiction…I’ve picked this week’s events just for you. It’s a big week packed with literary events from LitQuake, storytelling shows, and a sprinkle of other fun stuff like a minimalist dance night and a very maximalist wrestling match. Oh, and what kind of event producer would I be if I didn’t remind you that tickets are on sale for our very own Muni Diaries Live on Nov. 2? Hope you enjoy my picks for this coming week’s events.

Thanks for reading The Anglerfish! Follow us on @ & FB and tell your curious-er friends to subscribe to The Anglerfish, too.


Beyond Borders Storytelling “Ghosts Story Jam”
Six storytellers share tales that are well-told, vulnerable, funny, and always inspires you to imagine yourself on stage with these brave souls.
WED OCT 16, 8 PM. Piano Fight, SF; $12-$35

The Glass Room
You might have passed by this pop-up museum on Market Street and thought it was yet another Apple store. Think again: This timely, interactive popup invites you to explore “the most pressing challenges facing people and the tech industry today.”
OCT 16 THRU NOV 3. Open daily between 12 PM – 8 PM. The Glass Room, SF; FREE

Place Talk at the Prelinger Library: “Bookstore that Love Other Bookstores: Gay Information Spaces”
If you haven’t been to the Prelinger LIbrary, this is as good of a reason as any to pop in. This week’s Place Talk at this gem of an archivist’s dream features Marlo Longley, who is a bookseller at Moe’s in Berkeley and 34 Trinity in San Francisco. He’ll be talking about gay bookstore history from the era about 1965-75, including the first gay and first lesbian bookstores in the US, which he says were arguably based right here in the Bay.
THU OCT 17, Doors 5 PM, Lecture 7 PM. Prelinger Library, SF; Donations

LitCrawl: there’s nothing better to cure your cynicism about the world than to see the Mission flooded with people who came out for the sake of literature. It’s a busy lineup this year, but here are some of my picks:

LitCrawl: Conspiracy of Beards and Friends: The words and Music of Leonard Cohen
This Leonard Cohen acapella choir will delve into the palette Leonard created. Facial hair not required to enjoy the music.
SAT OCT 19, 5 PM, Third Haus, SF; FREE

LitCrawl: KQED Presents: Latin Invasion: Queer Latin American Writers Respond to Hate from the White House
Hosted by the talented Baruch Porras-Hernandez, these Latinx writers will respond to White House Hate by pushing back with words and love.
SAT OCT 19, 6:30 PM. The Chapel, SF; FREE

LitCrawl: Adventure in Crime and Time at Borderlands Books
Fantastic authors (including Muni Diaries alum Annalee Newitz) will read from noir science fiction, to true and fictional crime, to time-travel escapades.” This bookstore is a gem — be sure to see them before they move to their new location in the Haight.
SAT OCT 19, 8 PM. Borderlands Bookstore, SF; FREE

(And Anglerfish Editor Mikl Em will be reading poetry at Word Performances on the LitCrawl, too – Ed.)

MNML:FUN w/ AIDA and Sychosis
If you enjoy music genres sitting anywhere between house and techno, and want to be left in peace while you enjoy it, this is the place to go. Here’s why: Dark unpretentious Lower Haight club, people who show up for music and aren’t douchey, and a club blissfully ignorant of the words “bottle service.”
SAT OCT 19, 9 PM. UNDERGROUND SF, SF; $5 before 10pm, $8 after

Undiscovered SF
For this Saturday’s Undiscovered SF, celebrate Filipino American History Month with a focus on Filipino-American women leaders in California and the Bay Area.
SAT OCT 19, 4 PM – 10 PM. 598 Stevenson St. @ 7th St., SF; Free

Hoodslam SF! – SEXY GoodTime HORROR Babylon
An afternoon of dramatic wrestling hosted and narrated by Wonder Dave. This is probably the perfect excuse for day drinking.
SUN OCT. 20, 2:30 PM. Oasis, SF; $20

Muni Diaries Live
Anything can happen on Muni, and we’re here to blow up the party talk! We’ve been collecting rider stories for over a decade, and twice a year we bring these true, funny, and only-in-SF stories live on stage. Join your fellow riders to celebrate and commiserate.
SAT NOV 2, 6:30 PM Rickshaw Stop, SF; $16

Special thanks to Muni Diaries co-conspirators Tara “Loud Tara” Ramroop, Peter “Banter” Clarke, and Matt “I Know Where the Fun’s At” Braithwaite for weighing in on the best places to be this week.

From the Editors of The Anglerish:
Thanks so much to Eugenia and colleagues for guest curating this week! We highly recommend Muni Diaries and hope you make it to the live show.

As Eugenia said, what kind of event producers would we be if we didn’t flog our own events? Here’s what your Anglerfishians are up to this week, plus a few more bonus events.

Nerd Nite SF: Sharks, Seaweed, and SF Streets!
The monthly lecture-in-a-bar series run Anglerfisherman Bart is back! A shark researcher, a seaweed artist, and a history enthusiast give short talks with plenty of booze, laughs, DJ, and more.
WED OCT 16, 7 PM. Rickshaw Stop, SF; $10

Speechless Live: October
Hilarious people are given crazy slides they’ve never seen before and assigned a presentation style — from TED Talks to sermons – and make up a talk on the spot. Produced by our own Mikl Em.
THU OCT 17, 6:30 PM. Public Works, SF; $12

Seismic NightLife
Recent rumblings have reminded us all that this is still earthquake country, and this week’s Cal. Academy NightLife just so happens to be themed around quakes. Grab drinks, dance to New Wave City’s DJ set, and hear talks from USGS and other researchers.
THU OCT 17, 6 PM. California Academy of Sciences, SF; $16.75

SF Archives Crawl
Every year a bunch of Bay Area archivists bring out materials from their collections to showcase what’s in their vaults. It’s a great chance to see some unique artifacts.
SAT OCT 19, 1 PM. California Historical Society and Labor Archives & Research Center @ SFSU, SF; FREE